The BFFC stands for the British Board of Film Classification, and their job is to go through a screening process of a film about to be released and make sure what certificate rating is suitable for the content of the film. All films have to go through this procedure; it's mandatory. The BBFC base their decision on 6 main factors:
However this is only a brief insight of what the BBFC have to study and analyse in order to provide a suitable certificate rating. A recent example of a thriller action adventure that had to have it's rating changed is 'The Hunger Games'. The film's content meant that it should have been rated as a '15' due to the violence and distressing scenes. However, the director knew the franchise would have lost it's entire demographic audience by having such a high certificate rating. So the film production team decided to cut out the violent scenes in order to bring the rating down to a 12A.
These are the certificate ratings currently given to films by the BFFC in the United Kingdom at the moment.

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