The still frame i have chosen to study is from the critically acclaimed thriller film 'Inception', directed by Christopher Nolan. There is a lot to say about this particular still frame, our protagonist is standing directly in the middle of the frame. He immediately gains our attention and this is what the audience's primary focus is on. Furthermore, he has his back to us and we mainly see a sillheoutte of him, rather than an actual clear shot. This already creates tension and mystery, and makes him contrast considerably against the bright background. This could connote that perhaps he is going through a dark period or that he in fact has a deep, dark secret or something to hide from the audience and that he is now stepping into the light or being called upon for it.
Moreover, we can briefly make out water streaming in through the windows in the very front of the picture. This can be seen as both ominous and foreshadowing. Water can symbolise purity and being woken up, as in many films people have been rudely awaken by cold water. This co-incides with the scene actually being acted out, as once Leonardo Dicaprio's character has been found out to be in the world of the dream, he falls back into the bath-tub to wake him up, hence why the water surrounds him.
In addition to this, the staircase is also in shadows as well, this contrasts with the brightness of the water which again makes it stand out considerably and suggests what is important in this still frame. Also, the stance Leonardo DiCaprio's character has suggests a lot about his character, he is standing with his legs apart and from his body language we can deduce that he is quite a strong and powerful character that has a lot of authority. However, the fact he has cupped hands shows a slight vulnerablity and perhaps wasn't expecting what has happened to have occured.
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